Cogen: python coroutine library introduction

27 March 2008 (updated 04 March 2015)

Ok, introductory stuff: before python 2.5 generators were just a unidirectional computation structure. That means one could get values out of the generator. In python 2.5 we have the enhancements from PEP 342: Coroutines via Enhanced Generators - generators have 3 extra methods: sent, throw and close and the yield statement is a expression now. So the idea is that the generators are now a bidirectional computation structure: we can get values out and in the generator.

Here's a very simple example of what you can do now:

>>> def somegenerator():
...     print (yield 1)
...     print (yield 2)
>>> g = somegenerator()
>>> print
>>> print g.send('a')

Coroutines are program components that generalize subroutines to allow multiple entry points and suspending and resuming of execution at certain locations, to quote wikipedia. So we could look at a generator as a coroutine and the yield expressions as suspend/resume points. Take this example:

def somecoroutine():
    data = (yield nonblocking_read(my_socket, nbytes))

Well, this example is actually from the PEP342 spec.Here's an example that uses cogen:

from cogen.core.coroutine import coroutine
from cogen.core.schedulers import Scheduler
from cogen.core.sockets import Socket
from cogen.core.reactors import SelectReactor

def somecoroutine():
    mysocket = Socket() # cogen's socket wrapper
    yield mysocket.connect(('',80))
    yield mysocket.writeall("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n")
    result = yield
    print result

sched = Scheduler(reactor=SelectReactor)
sched.add(somecoroutine) # this is the main loop
  • coroutine is a special decorator that wrapps generators and functions alike in a special Coroutine class. So for example, if you decorate a function that isn't actualy a generator nothing bad will happen.
  • Socket is a special wrapper that looks like the regular socket object (well, we actualy have a different flavour for usual recv and send, namely: read, readall, readline, write, writeall) but returns some special objects that we call operations. These operations instruct the cogen scheduler what to do with the coroutine.
  • reactor=SelectReactor - there are actually 5 reactors: SelectReactor, PollReactor, KQueueReactor, EpollReactor, IOCPProactor. For KQueueReactor and EpollReactor you need C extension modules (that are provided in the lib directory) and for IOCPProactor you need the pywin32 extensions - also, IOCPProactor is in development atm. The reactor coupled with the socket operations handles all the nasty asynchronous networking code.

Also, there are a bunch of examples here.

Calls to other coroutines need to be made through the scheduler. To call another coroutine you yield a Call operation. Here's an example:

>>> from cogen.core.coroutine import coroutine
>>> from cogen.core.schedulers import Scheduler
>>> from cogen.core import events
>>> @coroutine
... def foo():
...     print 'foo'
...     result = yield events.Call(bar, args=("ham",))
...     print result
>>> @coroutine
... def bar(what):
...     print 'bar'
...     raise StopIteration("spam, %s and eggs" % what)
>>> sched = Scheduler()
>>> sched.add(foo)
<foo Coroutine instance at 0x00D1E6B8 wrapping <function foo at 0x00C01B30>, state: NOTSTARTED>
spam, ham and eggs

cogen has also other usefull operations. Take for example this using signals:

>>> from cogen.core.coroutine import coroutine
>>> from cogen.core.schedulers import Scheduler
>>> from cogen.core import events
>>> @coroutine
... def foo():
...     yield events.Signal("bar", 'spam')
...     yield events.Signal("bar", 'ham')
...     yield events.Signal("bar", 'eggs')
...     yield events.Sleep(3)
>>> @coroutine
... def bar():
...     print (yield events.WaitForSignal("bar"))
...     print (yield events.WaitForSignal("bar"))
...     print (yield events.WaitForSignal("bar"))
...     try:
...         print (yield events.WaitForSignal("bar", timeout=2))
...     except events.OperationTimeout:
...         print 'No more stuff!'
>>> sched = Scheduler()
>>> sched.add(bar)
<bar Coroutine instance at 0x00D1E6B8 wrapping <function bar at 0x00C551F0>, state: NOTSTARTED>
>>> sched.add(foo)
<foo Coroutine instance at 0x00D1EC90 wrapping <function foo at 0x00C01B30>, state: NOTSTARTED>
No more stuff!
  • events.Signal(name, value) - name is an object that needs to be immutable (strings, tuples, numbers and frozen sets are immutable for example); value is what is yield events.WaitForSignal going to return.
  • cogen's scheduler main loop (run) exits when there is no more stuff to run (no active coroutines, no socket operations waiting etc) - events.WaitForSignal does not qualify, otherwise the scheduler would run endlessly and nothing would happen (no other coroutines to raise the signal), that is why there is a events.Sleep(3) in foo.

There's a lot more to talk about, so check the docs on events and sockets, the examples.

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