Python packaging pitfalls

25 June 2014 (updated 20 November 2017)


Use cookiecutter-pylibrary to avoid all the pain.

Just a short list of packaging blunders ...

Forgetting to clean the build dir *

distutils and setuptools will skip things if you have stuff in the build dir, even if you have changed options in your


Integrate a rm -rf build/ in your build pipeline.

Better (clean everything): rm -rf dist build */*.egg-info *.egg-info

Forgetting to specify package data *

Distutils and Setuptools don't include your non-python files by default.


Create a and use include_package_data=True. Don't use package_data as it will override your manifest, and it's a less flexible approach anyway. [4]

Make sure your data files are inside packages (they are called package data after all). An example of how to use data files.

Fine grained *

Listing few file types in [4], then adding some webfonts or templates - only to find out the release you published on PyPI doesn't include them.

why:You duplicated information you already have in the filesystem [1].
fix:Just recursive-include or graft the whole dir. Separate sources from build and temporary files (e.g.: use different directories).
Using package_data, or worse: fine grained package_data *

Listing few file types in package_data [6], then adding some webfonts - only to find out the release you published on PyPI doesn't include them.

why:You duplicated information you already have in the filesystem [1]. You have better options.
fix:Use and include_package_data=True. See forgetting-package-data.
Listing excludes/prunes before includes/grafts *

Your excludes/prunes would get overriden if there are includes/grafts that match the same files later.

why:Last rule wins [4].
fix:Use correct rule ordering. Excludes have more weight, put them last in
Hardcoding packages list in *
why:You duplicated information you already have in the filesystem [1].
fix:Use setuptools.find_packages. Or, if you want everything to be static, have good testing [3].
Hardcoding py_modules list in *

You duplicated information you already have in the filesystem [1].


Discover the modules, e.g.:

py_modules=[splitext(basename(i))[0] for i in glob.glob("src/*.py")]

Or, if you want everything to be static, have good testing [3].

Importing your package in *
why:It's risky. If your package imports dependencies they might not be available and your package becomes uninstallable. pip/easy_install might need to run your to discover dependencies. [2]
fix:If you need to extract the version then read the file instead and parse out the version. [5]
Importing unavailable tools in *
why:They might not be installed at the time is run.
fix:Use setup_requires, delay imports - import in your custom command class's methods.
Messing with the environment *

Example: the infamous from distribute_setup import use_setuptools; use_setuptools() pattern expected superuser privileges in order to upgrade setuptools.

why:Users can't always have the exact environment as you have, if you try to modify the same way you modify yours horrible failures will occur.
fix:Just import setuptools. Modern python installations, pip and virtualenv already provide setuptools. Document your requirements.
Your tests do not test the installed code *

Example: the source packages are in your current working directory.


Because the current working directory is implicitly on PYTHONPATH, your package will be imported from the current directory, not from whatever was installed in site-packages.

This is a problem because it can be incomplete and you won't know it.


Change the current working directory when you test, or move your code into a directory that's not a package (doesn't have any, like a src directory. [3]

[1](1, 2, 3, 4) It ain't' gonna update itself and you're going to forget to. Happens to the best.
[2]Except when using wheels or eggs. But you should always upload the sdist (hard to make binary available for every imaginable platform) - which already relies on running
[3](1, 2, 3) Test installed code. How else would you know the code users will run actually works? More about testing and file layout.
[4](1, 2, 3)

Surely there are other pitfalls too - that's just the silly stuff I've fallen into in the past. Share your pain below :)

This entry was tagged as packaging python src