Ionel Cristian Mărieș
Gabriel Muj ← actual teacher
Ask anytime and anything. Ask for pauses.
$ virtualenv ve $ . ve/bin/activate $ pip install -e . $ python migrate $ python runserver
Windows (at least use clink):
> py -mpip install virtualenv > py -mvirtualenv ve > ve\Scripts\activate.bat > pip install -e . > python migrate > python runserver
$ pip install tox $ tox -- django-admin migrate $ tox -- django-admin runserver
Windows (at least use clink):
> py -mpip install tox > tox -- django-admin migrate > tox -- django-admin runserver
Management commands:
Either through or django-admin:
from django.db import models class Question(models.Model): question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200) pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
Ultra-simplified guts of Model/Form classes:
class Field: def __repr__(self): return 'Field(name={.name})'.format(self) class Metaclass(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): fields = attrs.setdefault('fields', []) for name, value in attrs.items(): if isinstance(value, Field): = name; fields.append(value) return super(Metaclass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) class Model(metaclass=Metaclass): a = Field() b = Field()
>>> print(MyModel.fields) [Field(name=a), Field(name=b)]
Class-Based Views
class DetailView(generic.DetailView): model = Question template_name = 'polls/detail.html'
Function views
def vote(request, question_id): question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=question_id) try: selected_choice = question.choice_set.get( pk=request.POST['choice']) except (KeyError, Choice.DoesNotExist): return render(request, 'polls/detail.html', { 'question': question, 'error_message': "You didn't select a choice.", }) else: selected_choice.votes += 1 return redirect('polls:results',
Views are mapped to URLs in files, eg:
urlpatterns = [ url(r'^', include('polls.urls')), ]
urlpatterns = [ url(r'^(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'), url(r'^(?P<question_id>[0-9]+)/vote/$',, name='vote'), ]
Templates automatically call and ignore missing attributes:
<h1>{{ question.question_text }}</h1> {% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>{% endif %} <form action="{% url 'polls:vote' %}" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} {% for choice in question.choice_set.all %} <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice{{ forloop.counter }}" value="{{ }}" /> <label for="choice{{ forloop.counter }}"> {{ choice.choice_text }}</label> {% endfor %} <input type="submit" value="Vote" /> </form>
Some background:
Note that Nose is a fork of Pytest 0.8 (ancient, circa 2007)
Different way of test setup:
Different way of doing assertions:
Different way of customizing behavior:
Note: there is some support for unittest.TestCase in pytest.
Install it:
$ pip install pytest
Make a tests\
def test_simple(): a = 1 b = 2 assert a + b == 3 assert a + b == 4
$ pytest tests/ ========================= test session starts ========================== platform linux -- Python 3.6.2, pytest-3.2.2, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0 -- plugins: django-3.1.2 collected 1 item tests/ F =============================== FAILURES =============================== _____________________________ test_simple ______________________________ def test_simple(): a = 1 b = 2 assert a + b == 3 > assert a + b == 4 E assert (1 + 2) == 4 tests/ AssertionError ======================= 1 failed in 0.05 seconds =======================
Useful option and defaults, use pytest.ini for them:
[pytest] ; now we can just run `pytest` instead of `pytest tests/` testpaths = tests ; note that `test_*.py` and `*` are defaults python_files = test_*.py * addopts = ; extra verbose -vv ; show detailed test counts -ra ; stop after 10 failures --maxfail=10 ; subjective, I like old-school tracebacks --tb=short
Import system uses a list of paths (sys.path) to lookup.
CWD is implicitly added to sys.path.
There is a module/package distinction.
Versioned imports ain't supported.
If sys.path = ["/var/foo", "/var/bar"] then:
Bonus: namespace packages, more madness!
Python 3 native support (PEP-420):
Python 2 ... a pile of hacks.
Pytest has a file-based test collector:
Suggested layout (flat, tests ain't a package, but everything in it is):
tests/ |-- foo\ | |-- | `-- `--
You can also stick the tests inside your code but that's more suited if:
want to check that your deployed app works on unknown target platform,
or you're targeting way too many platforms and want to offload some of the testing to users
tests don't do crazy stuff (eating lots of resources, borking the os or leaving garbage)
Not to be confused with (data) fixtures from Django (the result of dumpdata command).
@pytest.fixture def myfixture(request): print('myfixture: do some setup') yield [1, 2, 3] print('myfixture: do some teardown') @pytest.fixture def mycomplexfixture(request, myfixture): print('myfixture: do some setup') yield myfixture + [4, 5] print('myfixture: do some teardown') def test_fixture(myfixture): assert myfixture == [1, 2, 3] def test_complexfixture(mycomplexfixture): assert myfixture == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
import functools, inspect REGISTRY = {} def dependency(func): REGISTRY[func.__name__] = func def inject(func): sig = inspect.signature(func) for arg in sig.parameters: func = functools.partial(func, REGISTRY[arg]()) return func @dependency def dep1(): return 123 @dependency def dep2(): return 345 @inject def fn(dep1, dep2): print(dep1, dep2)
>>> fn() 123 345
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=False) def myfixture(request): ...
scope controls when and for how long the fixture is alive:
autouse is for situations where you don't want to explicitly request the fixture for every test.
Are applied using decorators, eg:
@pytest.mark.skipif('platform.system() == "Windows"') def test_nix_stuff(): ... @pytest.mark.mymark def test_stuff(): # can select this later by runing pytest -m mymark ... @pytest.mark.xfail('platform.system() == "Windows"', strict=True) def test_shouldnt_work_on_windows(): # fail if it passes ... @pytest.mark.skip def test_deal_with_it_later(): ...
An alternative to the skip marker:
def test_deal_with_it_later(): pytest.skip()
An alternative to the skipif marker (sometimes):
def test_linux_stuff(): pytest.importorskip('signalfd')
The raises context manager:
def test_stuff(): with raises(TypeError, match='Expected FooBar, not .*!'): raise TypeError('Expected FooBar, not asdf!') with raises(TypeError) as exc_info: raise TypeError('Expected FooBar, not asdf!') assert exc_info.value.startswith('Expected FooBar')
@pytest.mark.parametrize(['a', 'b'], [ (1, 2), (2, 1), ]) def test_param(a, b): assert a + b == 3
collected 2 items tests/[1-2] PASSED tests/[2-1] PASSED
@pytest.fixture(params=[len, max]) def func(request): return request.param @pytest.mark.parametrize('numbers', [ (1, 2), (2, 1), ]) def test_func(numbers, func): assert func(numbers) == 2
tests/[func0-numbers0] PASSED tests/[func0-numbers1] PASSED tests/[func1-numbers0] PASSED tests/[func1-numbers1] PASSED
@pytest.fixture(params=[len, max], ids=['len', 'max']) def func(request): return request.param @pytest.mark.parametrize('numbers', [ (1, 2), (2, 1), ], ids=["white", "black"]) def test_func(numbers, func): assert func(numbers)
tests/[len-white] PASSED tests/[len-black] PASSED tests/[max-white] PASSED tests/[max-black] PASSED
We can select tests based on the parametrization:
$ pytest -k white -v
========================= test session starts ========================== platform linux -- Python 3.6.2, pytest-3.2.2, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0 -- cachedir: .cache plugins: django-3.1.2 collected 9 items tests/[sum-white] PASSED tests/[len-white] PASSED tests/[max-white] PASSED tests/[min-white] PASSED ========================== 5 tests deselected ========================== ================ 4 passed, 5 deselected in 0.07 seconds ================
For now ... all you need to know about hooks:
Also, you put fixtures in your (to use them in multiple test files)
We can talk all day long about hooks but we have to write those tests!
Install the plugin:
$ pip install pytest-django
Unfortunately it doesn't go through so we need to specify the settings module in pytest.ini:
[pytest] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = mysite.settings
The client fixture makes an instance of django.test.Client.
Make a tests/
def test_index_view_no_question(client, db): response = client.get('/') assert response.status_code == 200 # use these in moderation (coupling) assert list(response.context_data['latest_question_list']) == [] # a better assertion (end-to-end style): assert 'No polls are available.' in response.content.decode( response.charset) # if you use python 2 you can just do assert 'No polls are available.' in response.content
Technically these are not "end to end" tests but they are reasonably close for most apps.
The Unicode sandwich
1001110101010110010101 | |||
decode | input | ||
Unicode | → | Unicode | |
↓ | |||
Unicode | ← | Unicode | |
↓ | |||
Unicode | → | Unicode | |
output | encode | ||
1001110101010110010101 |
from django.utils import timezone @pytest.fixture def question(db): return Question.objects.create( question_text="What is love?", ) def test_index_view_one_question(client, question): response = client.get('/') assert response.status_code == 200 # list cause it's an QuerySet assert list(response.context_data['latest_question_list']) == [ question] # how much markup to include? assert 'href="/polls/1/">What is love?</a>' in response.content.decode( response.charset)
A cynic might add:
We can't require a fixture more than once, thus:
@pytest.fixture def question_factory(db): now = def create_question(question_text, pub_date_delta=timedelta()): return Question.objects.create( question_text=question_text, pub_date=now + pub_date_delta ) return create_question def test_index_view_two_questions(client, question_factory): question1 = question_factory("Question 1") question2 = question_factory("Question 2", -timedelta(hours=1)) response = client.get('/') assert response.status_code == 200 assert list(response.context_data['latest_question_list']) == [ question1, question2] content = response.content.decode(response.charset) assert '/polls/1/' in content assert 'Question 1' in content assert 'href="/polls/1/">Question 2</a>' in content
Note that the view is set to only display the last 5 questions, thus:
def test_index_view_only_last_five_questions(client, question_factory): questions = [ question_factory("Question {}".format(i), -timedelta(hours=i)) for i in range(1, 10) ] response = client.get('/') assert response.status_code == 200 assert list( response.context_data['latest_question_list'] ) == questions[:5] content = response.content.decode(response.charset) for i in range(1, 6): assert 'href="/polls/{0}/">Question {0}</a>'.format(i) in content assert 'Question 6' not in content
Questions in the future shouldn't be displayed, thus:
def test_index_view_exclude_question_published_in_future(client, question_factory): question_factory("Question 1", timedelta(hours=1)) response = client.get('/') assert response.status_code == 200 assert list(response.context_data['latest_question_list']) == [] assert 'Question 1' not in response.content.decode(response.charset)
Proper response should be returned on bogus IDs:
def test_detail_view_question_not_found(client, db): response = client.get('/999/') assert response.status_code == 404 def test_vote_question_not_found(client, db): response = client.get('/999/vote/') assert response.status_code == 404 def test_results_view_question_not_found(client, db): response = client.get('/999/results/') assert response.status_code == 404
Questions that don't have any answers, of course!
def test_detail_view_question_found(client, question): response = client.get('/%s/' % assert response.status_code == 200 assert 'What is love?' in response.text_content assert 'Someone needs to figure out some answers!' \ in response.text_content # assertions you'll be sorry for (coupling!) assert response.context_data['object'] == question assert 'polls/detail.html' in response.template_name
It sure is, so lets fix it:
@pytest.fixture def client(client): func = client.request def wrapper(**kwargs): # instead of throwing prints all over the place print('>>>>', ' '.join('{}={!r}'.format(*item) for item in kwargs.items())) resp = func(**kwargs) print('<<<<', resp, resp.content) # also, decode the content resp.text_content = resp.content.decode(resp.charset) # why not patch resp.content? well ... return resp client.request = wrapper return client
Watch the scope when patching stuff. In this case it was fine (pytest_django.client had the same scope - "function").
@pytest.fixture def question_choice_factory(db): def create_question_choice(question, choice_text, votes=0): return Choice.objects.create(question=question, choice_text=choice_text, votes=votes) return create_question_choice def test_vote_question_found_with_choice(client, question, question_choice_factory): choice1 = question_choice_factory(question, "Choice 1", votes=0) response ='/%s/vote/' %, data={"choice":}) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.url == '/%s/results/' % (,) choice1.refresh_from_db() assert choice1.votes == 1
We should check the result page too.
An easy way is to just slap on some extra assertions in the previous test:
def test_vote_question_found_with_choice(...): ... response = client.get('/%s/results/' % assert '<li>Choice 1 -- 1 vote</li>' in response.text_content
The disadvantage is that test becomes bulky and debugging may be harder.
Guess what's missing, template has this:
{% for choice in question.choice_set.all %} <li>{{ choice.choice_text }} -- {{ choice.votes }} vote{{ choice.votes|pluralize }}</li> {% endfor %}
Problems with newlines?
An alternative is regexes but lets unpack this first:
assert re.findall(r'<li>Choice 1\s+--\s+1 vote</li>', response.text_content)
Test what happens when there's no form data:
def test_vote_question_found_no_choice(client, question): response ='/%s/vote/' % assert response.status_code == 200 content = response.content.decode(response.charset) assert 'What is love?' in content assert "You didn't select a choice." in content
Suggested use:
$ pip install pytest-cov $ pytest --cov=. --cov-report=term-missing --cov-branch
Alternatively, create a .coveragerc:
[run] branch = true source = src [report] show_missing = true precision = 2
With that it's simpler to run, just:
$ pytest --cov
Note: having 100% coverage doesn't mean you have tested everything. But if you don't you probably haven't.
In .coveragerc:
[report] omit = * * *
Alternative, have these on the lines that don't need to be covered:
stuff_that_is_not_frequently_used() # pragma: no cover
Get the right binary from:
Put it in CWD.
def test_index(pages, browser, live_server): browser.visit(live_server + '/') assert browser.is_text_present('Foo')
Explore api at:
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